program Business Exibition

The exhibition is the main component of the Business Forum. The exhibition will take place for two days in tandem with the other activities listed. It provides a venue for participating businesses to exhibit their products, services, and investment initiatives. Through the exhibition, businesses will have the chance to make connections, business deals, drive commercial synergies, and deepen business relationships. Additionally, it gives ACS delegates a taste of the entrepreneurial brilliance of the Greater Caribbean region and provides them with an opportunity to network with businesses on matters pertaining to regional economic growth. 


Business 2 Business meetings

Businesses will have the chance to make connections, business deals and deepen business relationships.

The possibility is there to address challenges and offer solutions to improve transport connections, trade and investment opportunities and promote the development of regional value chains.


Hosted by the ACS Secretariat and the Republic of Suriname, the Business Forum include a series of thematic seminars on subjects pertinent to the productive sectors of the region. It will provide a forum for discussion with local and regional stakeholders. The maximum duration of each session will be two (2) hours, with a keynote speaker and panel discussions with specialists from regional public and private sectors. 





Opening Ceremony and Cultural Performance


Visit to Exhibition: Official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion: Mechanisms to support Regional Business Development in the Greater Caribbean


Lunch Break


Panel Discussion: Investment to promote Sustainable Economic Development in the Greater Caribbean Region


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion: Strengthening Regional Agribusiness Value Chains within the Greater Caribbean

09:00 - 20:00

Visit to Exhibitions and Business-to-Business Sessions

09:00 - 17:00

8th International Cooperation Conference

Full schedule T.B.A.


Cocktail Reception